Meet the Legion’s Member Benefit Partner:
Upper Canada WILLS & Estates
Upper Canada WILLS is honoured to partner with The Royal Canadian Legion to provide members with a 50% discount on national average rates for the preparation of Wills and Powers of Attorney*. Through person-to-person discussions with one of our lawyers by way of virtual meetings, you can be confident that your Last Will And Testament properly provides the bequests to your family in accordance with your wishes and your healthcare and financial needs will be taken care of by someone you trust and can depend upon.

Learn more at
* Please note the applicable discount in Quebec is 25%.
Upper Canada WILLS is endorsed by General Roméo Dallaire:

“I am very glad to lend my support to Upper Canada WILLS as an excellent resource for Veterans. It is my wish that this country’s Veterans and their families are given the respect, support, and thanks that they so profoundly deserve. This is just one small part of the cradle-to-grave covenant for their service and sacrifice.”


~ Lieutenant-General (ret) The Honorable Roméo A. Dallaire

The fathers of the Upper Canada Wills & Estates directors all served during the Second World War, so it is not surprising that the next generation all are Legion members. Supporting Veterans is in their DNA. As a partner in providing benefits to its members, Upper Canada WILLS will give a royalty to The Royal Canadian Legion for every Last Will & Testament prepared.

Legion members can learn more about the company’s services and this discount by visiting or calling 647-370-3777.


Upper Canada WILLS is also pleased to announce Branch and Client Loyalty programs


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We are thrilled to announce our exciting partnership with GetFeedz Inc to offer with deals at over 1 million hotels.

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Please include your membership number in your communications to us.

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At long last Branch 99 held their Official Opening

The threat of heavy rain turned into a beautiful sunlit afternoon and was attended by numerous members, guests, including members from area branches, and several dignitraies, includuing Mayor Ellis and MPP Todd Smith. The City Pipe Band performed and the Colour Party raised the flags.

An emotional newly elected President of the branch, Mike Benson, who was instrumental in the move from Pinnacle (now torn down) and dealing with the city, and organizing the many volunteers who worked tirelessly on preparing the new location, thanked everyione who had helped so much in getting the new location and not losing our branch in Bellevillle forever. Mike invited everyone to visit the branch.

Following the official parts of the ceremony branch volunteers put out an amazing late lunch for everyone, all of which was delicious and then entertainment was provided by The Monarchs from Kingston, who got the very small dance floor hopping.

New Legion building set for official grand opening May 25

 MAY 17, 2024 – 2:51 PM 



It’s been a long road to a new home for the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 99, and next Saturday will be a momentous end to that road.

The Legion and its approximately 250 members will officially cut the ribbon on its new location at 51 Highland Avenue on May 25 at 6 p.m.

Dignitaries from the city, including Mayor Neil Ellis, MPP Todd Smith and representatives from Belleville Police and Fire are expected be on hand for the big event.

“We have a pipe band coming in to play, we’ve got other legions showing up with colour parties and our Color party is going to be there,” recently-elected Legion president Mike Benson explained.

“We’re going to have the raising of the flags (along with the) ribbon cutting.”

The Monarchs band will also be coming from Kingston to play that night from 7 to 11 p.m. that evening and there will also be a dinner held.

The Legion has already done a soft opening to show off their new renovations and upgrades to the former Belleville Shriners Club facility.

The approximately 8,800 sq. ft. facility will offer more room for the Legion to hold events following the closure and demolition of the previous Legion building on Pinnacle St., which was Branch 99’s home for more than 50 years.

“You can ask just about anybody, Legions are rooted (in the community). They don’t move,” he said.

“I have never heard of a Legion moving in my lifetime and I’m almost 54 years old. So, this is kind of a big milestone.”

Benson encourages all residents – not just those associated with the Military – to come down to the grand opening and anytime during summer hours of noon to 9 p.m. starting June 1.

“The Legion is not strictly a service club anymore. It is open to anybody whether you had a family member in the service or you were in the service, it doesn’t matter now. Anybody can join,” he noted.

Summer Darts leagues and tournaments will be part of the next few months, along with lawn darts Karaoke Nights on Saturdays, horseshoes, snooker and 8 ball pool, dances, a Spring Fling event put on by the Relay for Life team on June 1 and much more.

“We’re working on trying to get some type of cornhole league going, as well as a cribbage or Euchre tournament,” said Benson.

Everything has been finished and certified, except for the kitchen, Benson said.

He gave massive kudos to all the people who ‘made the difference’ in helping through the transition and getting the Legion ready to return to its former glory.

“If it wasn’t for the volunteers, and 608 Air Cadet Squadron helping us get that building and the countless hours of people going in and cleaning and painting doing carpentry work to get things all set up to pass code, we would have never been where we are today,” Benson praised.

With this new building opening, Benson assured the public that the Legion ‘isn’t going anywhere’ and it will continue to be a staple of the city for many years to come.

Meanwhile, the old Legion building’s demolition was completely finished by the end of last month to make way for a parking lot for the Memorial Marketplace downtown.

Talk about Big News! 

Well, finally, after searching for a new location for years, we have found a new location. The former Shriners buildimg at 51 Hyland Avenue, thanks to the efforts of Mike Benson and the Relocation Committee, Jamie Troke of Ekort Realty and the generosity of Mike Stevens, the owner of the building.. 

Here is the article published in Quinte News –

Belleville, ON, Canada / Quinte News
Zach McGibbon
Oct 17, 2023

Royal Canadian Legion Branch 99 confirmed it is moving to the old Shrine Club building.

A press conference was held Tuesday at the building located on Highland Avenue announcing the details of the move.

Chair of the relocation committee for the branch, Mike Benson, says the deal was put together thanks to the efforts of realtor Jamie Troke and property owner Mike Stevens.

“(Troke) advocated with (Stevens), which I am told did not take much convincing because Mike is very community oriented and supports the Legion. He knows we could not afford the asking price. As well, Jamie waived all his realtor fees for Branch 99 to be able to do this tonight,” Benson said.

The new agreement is a five-year lease where the Legion will not have to pay rent but will be responsible for the utilities and maintenance of the building.

Renovations and upgrades to the building’s interior will be underway as of Wednesday.

“It’s going to get a fresh paint job, probably new carpeting, new lighting. We’re going to make it our home,” Benson told media.

“We’re here for roughly five years until we’ve secured something else, the same as Shriners did, or build our own.”

No changes will be done to the exterior of the building.

With the move to the new location come some costs.

Benson says there will be some changes to pricing for some elements of the Legion branch.

“The Legion has been known for a lot of free pool tables, shuffleboard, stuff like that. It’s going to change,” Benson told media.

“If you want to play pool, you’re going to rent the balls just like you would downtown at the arcade. You’re going to pay $10 an hour or whatever the going rate is.  Beer prices are a topic at our executive meetings.  We’d want to stay in comparison to other places in the city. Right now, that’s not changing. Could it change in the future? Inflation changes every thing.”

Downstairs bar at the new location for the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 99. October 17, 2023. (Photo: Zach McGibbon/Quinte News)

132 Pinnacle Street had been the location for the legion since 1971.

The City of Belleville had given the branch until December 31 to find a new location as development continues in the Memorial Arena area, including at 132 Pinnacle Street.

“The way they explained to me is the building has to be torn down and make room for parking, like for delivery parking for the Memorial Arena. That’s my understanding on it,” Benson said.

With the renovations ongoing, there is no set date for when the Legion will fully move into its new location.

However, back in August, president of the branch Shirley Stewart told Quinte News it hoped to secure a building by October so that it could move in by December.

There are 272 members of the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 99.

Former Belleville and District Shrine Club building on Highland Avenue. (Photo: Quinte News)